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Bird Watching

The bird population in Reykjanes is unique and diverse. It offers bird-watching enthusiasts the opportunity for that rare observation. Find the perfect spot to observe the birds in close combat here!

Below we have companies who offer guided sightseeing tours:

Sudurnes Science and Learning Center
If you are interested in the Icelandic nature and wildlife, sea creatures, research related to the area and art, the Sudurnes Science and Learning Center is a place you must visit! The center offers three exciting exhibitions. They include a nature gallery where you can look at and touch various stuffed animals from the Icelandic wildlife and see live sea creatures. There is also a collection of shells and whale bones in addition to the only stuffed walrus in Iceland. In the historical gallery you can visit the magnificent exhibition Attraction of the Poles on the life of the French medical doctor and polar scientist Jean-Baptiste Charcot. A model of his research ship, Pourquoi-Pas?, that perished off the coast of Iceland in 1936 is part of the exhibition. In the art gallery you will find the art and educational exhibition Hidden World of the Seaweed Fairies. The exhibition weaves scientific knowledge about the ocean into the magical world of the seaweed fairies. Sudurnes Science and Learning Center is an ideal place to visit for families and others hungry for knowledge. Join our treasure hunt that will take you on an exciting journey looking for various animals, plants and historical places. Bring your findings back to the Center for further research. Opening hours Summer (May 1st – August 31st) Monday – Friday: 10:00 to 16:00 Saturday and Sunday: 13:00 to 17:00   Winter (September 1st – April 30th) Exhibitions closed.   Flexible opening hours for groups (minimum 20 persons) year-round – please call 423-7555. For further information see their website.

Other (4)

Gray Line Iceland Klettagarðar 4 104 Reykjavík 540-1313
Iceland Untouched Meistaravellir 11 107 Reykjavík 696-0171
Absorb Iceland Rósarimi 1 112 Reykjavík 695-5566
Fjallabak Icelandic Trekking & Adventure Company Skólavörðustígur 12 121 Reykjavík 824-3072