There are swimming pools all over Iceland and in Reykjanes there are six swimming pools that visitors can choose from.
On the Reykjanes peninsula, most of the swimming pools are outdoor pools and all of them are heated with geothermal water from the peninsula. Most of them also have waterslides, hot tubs, an ice bath, and a sauna. Swimming pools are an extremely popular activity for the locals, let the kids play while you relax in the hot tub, could it be any better?
Vogar Swimming pool
The name of the town Vogar in Vatnsleysuströnd in Reykjanes Peninsula can be translated to “Vogar in beach without water”. There is however plenty of crystal clear water to splash around in. Lounge in the hot-tub or take a swim in the children friendly swimming pool in Vogar. The pool is located at the entrance of the town Vogar, only 10 minutes from the international airport on the way to Reykjavík.
Address Hafnargata 17190 VogarPhone: 440-6220
FacilitiesGym hall 30,3 x 15,9 metrar. Swimming pool 16,66x8 metrar. Hot tub with massage, 41° C. Solarium.Fitness facility
Swimming pool opening hours, summer (June 1 - August 22):07:00 til 21:00 weekdays 10:00 til 16:00 weekends
Gym opening hours, summer:07 til 21:00 weekdays10 til 16:00 weekends
Swimming pool opening hours, winter (August 23 - May 31):06:30 til 20:30 weekdays10:00 til 16:00 weekends
Gym opening hours, winter:06:30 til 22:00 Mondays to Thursdays06:30 til 21:00 Fridays
Waterworld is an indoor water park for the whole family. The park includes a heated activity pool for the youngest generation. There is also a 25 m long outdoor pool, a 50 m long indoor pool, 4 hot tubs, and a steam bath.
Information about opening hours and prices can be accessed here .
Sandgerði Swimming pool
Opening hours:
September 1 - May 31:
Weekdays: 07:00 - 20:30
Weekends: 10:00 - 16:00
Gym open at same hours
June 1 - August 31
Weekdays: 07:00 – 21:00
Weekends: 09:00 – 17:00
Í boði er:
Sports Hall
25 m swimming pool
Two waterslides
Shallow pool
Hot pot w. massage, 38° C.
Hot pot, 40° C.