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Farms Smaller and Big Vatnsleysa were formerly manors and big fishing outfits in the County of the Vatnsleysa County.  They stood on the western shores of the Vatnsleysa Cove, between spit Keilisnes to the west and spit Hraunsnes to the east.  Farm Smaller Vatnsleysa is among the biggest pig farm of the country (producing the Ali-products).  Among the benefits of those two farms were the rich lumpfish grounds, driftwood and thermal activity. 

Vatnsleysa was a church site during catholic times, where the churches were dedicated to all the saints and it possessed a big part of the farm´s property.  The churches at Vatnsleysa were served from the parsonage Kalfatjorn for a long time.

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Farms Smaller and Big Vatnsleysa were formerly manors and big fishing outfits in the County of the Vatnsleysa County.  They stood on the western shore


Keilisnes is a spit of land between the coves Flekkuvik and Kalfatjorn. On the Cairn Mound near the old main road stands a cairn called Stefansvarda.


A sheep shelter, round in shape and constructed skilfully from lava rocks. Situated 2-3 km from the former parsonage Kalfatjorn in a direct line from


A green patch near a pond next to the old route at the southern edge of Afstapahraun which is a lava field up of Vatnsleysuvík. Reykjanesbraut (41) li


Kalfatjörn is a former farm, parsonage and church site in the Vatnsleysa County.  It was a parsonage until 1907, when the parish was united with the G


The first mention of a church on Kálfatjörn can be dated to the year 1200 but the current church in Kálfatjörn was consecrated in 1893 and was the lar


Hvassahraunskatlar is a hornitos in the Hrútagjá lava shield flow. Hornitos usually form due to powerful degassing at crater edges. These ones, howeve
Reykjanes - Seakayak

Reykjanes - Seakayak

Reykjanes Seakayak offers guided tours on seakayaks in the vibrant and safe environment in Reykjanes bay in the period 1st of May- 30th of September,


The Strandarheidi is also called Vatnsleysustrandarheidi. This area comprises of barren lava fields inland from the Vatnsleysa Coast. Originally it of


An area at the south side of Faxaflói, from inside of Hvassahraun to Vogastapi, often called "Ströndin" (the coast) by locals. In all Vatnsleysuströnd
Vatnsleysuströnd - Reykjanesbær - Birding trails

Vatnsleysuströnd - Reykjanesbær - Birding trails

Vatnsleysuströnd - Reykjanesbær Vatnsleysuströnd is one of few vegetative places on the Reykjanes Peninsula. It is a coastal area from Vatnsleysuvík

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Vatnsleysuströnd Golf club Kálfatjörn 190 Vogar 424-6529