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Eruption viewing platform now available

Recently a small viewing platform was set up on Grindavikurvegur, by the start of the new road that leads to the Blue Lagoon.

This new viewing platform allows people to get up close and personal with the fresh lava from the most recent series of eruptions. You can oversee the vast lava fields, and even touch and stand upon the lava - but please, do not hike across the lava. 

The platform is situated at the end of the much-changed Grindavikurvegur, just before the turn to the new road to the Blue Lagoon. It is clearly marked with signs, and you are able to park your car at the start of the platform to get out and take a look - please remember to still practice caution and to stay up-to-date on the latest eruption news before heading there. 

Experts predict that a new eruption may occur in the coming weeks or even days, therefore the platform could be closed at short notice.

You can see the new viewing platform on the map below, as well as other details such as road closures:

Useful links to monitor and review updates on the events: